Brigitte Kopp      







Sculptures / Skulpturen

Water Delights,  2022, 249 x 140 x 10 cm
Collection John Walsh III


Immer der gleiche Weg / Allways the same way, 2021, 60 x 60 x 235 cm

Behausung für einen Alien /  Home of an alien, textile object, 2019, 120 x 100 x 60 cm

Engel der Sehnsucht (angel of desire), 2018/19,
up: front, down left: back, down right: detail
sculpture, 200x190x40  cm

Vasen männlich und weiblich ( male and female), 2018,
textile object , je (each) 120 Ø 40-60 cm

Yin und Yang, Schale I / textile object, 2018,30 x Ø90 cm

Yin und Yang, Schale II / textile object, 2018,30 x Ø90 cm

Yin und Yang, Schale III / textile object, 2018,30 x Ø90 cm

Replacement male and female / textile object, 2018, each 30 x 30 x 55 cm

Zwitter/ wich gender, textiles Objekt, 40 x 35 x 56 cm

Male? / Female? ( Männlich? / Weiblich?), 2017  each 165 x 30 x30 cm

The other side of a black hole, 2017, textile sculpture (or wall hanging for corners),
two parts, each 150 x 150 x 40 cm

The other side of a black hole, 2017, detail

Babylon, 2015, installation mixed media, 175 x 180 x 155 cm

Home Sweet Home,
(two views)
2012, textile collage, 204 x 89 x89 cm

The secret of the pearls
2012, textile sculpture bag
, 42 x 18 x18 cm

all images and work © Brigitte Kopp. All rights reserved.